Thursday, April 12, 2007

Spring? Please?

Got back from Arizona (where I was visiting fam) early this A.M., and landed at JFK to find rain and sub-40-degree weather. What the hell is going on here? I was tempted to get right back on the plane and make them take me back to AZ.

So...yeah. In the meantime I'm waiting on some new stuff to beautify my ride (since I can't, you know, RIDE IT), and surfing the Net. The usual stuff.

(Big ups to Vinnie Sammon, by the way, for getting some signature love from Sunday. Been a long time coming.)

And here's a lovely self-portrait of me from the Grand Canyon. The first two people who commented on it said it looked fake. It isn't. Nikon D50 with a 10.5 fisheye. Sunglasses were $5 at Wal-Mart. Holla. And note the T1 Garrett shirt. I was gonna send the photo to Joe actually, but then I thought, no, that's stupid. Is it?


pdxbmx said...

That's fake, no one can be that pale in AZ.

Anonymous said...
