Monday, August 06, 2007


OK, after a ridiculously long wait, the Skavenger (what key do I hit to get the "k" to flip around?) video is out. You know the deal: Vinnie, Edwin, Tyrone, Scerbo—along with "lost" Vic Ayala footage and ridiculous sections (I assume—I haven't actually seen it yet) from Marlon Europe and Nigel Sylvester. Actually, I don't HAVE to see it to know it's ridiculous, I was there while some of it was being filmed. So just buy the damn thing. (I couldn't find it on Empire's site, but I'm sure they've got it by now.)

Photos. Skavenger representation at Max Fish, and Marlon with a nose wheelie at the Banks on August 1st.

Oh yeah, X Games.


Anonymous said...

There are sooo many good BMX vids comming out this year its crazy! Is that a toilet seat, HAHA.

Anonymous said...

look at all those dqm stickers gone to waste...they could have made a great addition to the am:pm sticker packs

pdxbmx said...

What is this am:pm?