Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Vinnie Sammon

Vinnie Sammon's from West New York, New JERSEY, which doesn't make any sense, but we try not to hold it against him. He used to come around with James Kennedy a lot, and while James disappeared somehow, Vinnie became more or less a regular. He lives in Jersey City now, but still makes New York appearances more than some people who actually live here. One of the OG Animal (and Skavenger) dudes, he's also on Zoo York, Duffs and Sunday (he's the best possible tester for the "dent resistant" wavy downtube). It all couldn't have happened to a nicer guy, despite the whole Jersey thing (check the headtube sticker—and the little Jersey outline on the bars). Zoo Jersey? Wouldn't surprise me. But hopefully comes back for the first time first.

Some sort of unpulled topside grind on the li'l sub at the Banks (but he's pulled it plenty before, and the shot just looked cool). 10/21/06

By the way, you can thank Vinnie for pointing out I posted the wrong address for this site in my myspace bulletin. And I can thank him for my current frame—thanks, Vinnie.

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